Seal Plus, is a metalworking company founded in 1978 specialized in the design, manufacture and installation of equipment and parts for the industrial sector in general.
Our production department has a flexible manufacturing line, a large part of our services are for different sectors of the Colombian industry. Our products and services are exported to 24 countries in Europe, South, Central and North America, Africa, Middle East, Asia.
They are part of what we are and what we do for our clients and their businesses.
They define our culture and guide our actions.
Doing things right the first time
Excellent service
Treat others with humanity and dignity
Diseño, fabricación e instalación de sellos para hornos rotativos, reduciendo emisiones al medio ambiente y obteniendo el uso eficiente de los combustibles a la industria nacional e internacional. Reparación y comercialización de frenos y embragues para uso industrial; brindando seguridad, calidad y respaldo. Ofreciendo bienestar y crecimiento laboral a nuestros empleados.
Seal Plus S.A.S. aumentará su participación en la instalación de sellos para la industria de Brasil, Estados Unidos y Europa, en procesos que utilicen equipos rotativos, mediante la innovación tecnológica y continua; donde prime la calidad humana.
Designing, manufacturing, and installing seals for rotary equipment, reducing emissions, and supporting the national and international industry in the efficient use of fuels. Repair and sale of brakes and clutches for industrial use; providing reliability, quality, and support. Offering well-being and career growth to our employees.
Seal Plus S.A.S. will increase its participation in seals installations in Brazil, the US and Europe markets, in processes that involve rotary equipment, through technological and continuous innovation, where human integrity prevails.